Friday, January 29, 2010


When I was seven I cooked my way through the sweets sections of an early edition of the red and white checkered Better Home's and Garden's cookbook that was a staple in many American kitchens at the time.

I'm not even kidding, not even a little bit. Hours of applesauce simmering, meringues of all kinds; I was probably the only seven year old who hoarded their allowance to buy a confectioner's thermometer.

My whole life has been this obsession with the link between humans and the natural world through the medium of food. I began reading about the food industry five years ago. I read everything I can get my hands on. Everything.

Growing, cooking, marketing, storing, eating.

I love food.

So much so that July of last year I became vegan. I had been vegetarian for some time before but the allure of a soft boiled egg split over a salad of winter greens, pecorino and truffle oil seemed too much to give up.

Cheese was an art, and I was a foodie.

But after all of the reading I had done I finally realized the simple equation that I had been neglecting.

Was animal suffering the most important problem in the world? Of course not. The real question was: Was it worth a grilled cheese sandwich?

Of course not.

I have a really long list of reasons why being vegan is right for me. I'm not trying to dictate diet to anyone. What I AM trying to prove is that you can be a vegan foodie and play the game alongside omnivores.
Most people will agree with me when I say that good food's aim is never to overpower you with bells and whistles. Good food is working WITH food, being mindful of its natural flavours and then catering to them with skill.

My name is Rin and I've never met a vegetable I didn't like.

This blog will discuss vegan epicureanism, an occasional recipe, photos, and lots and lots of gushing about fucking awesome food is and how great it is to have a mouth. Um. Yeah. Hi.